“There are three responses to a piece of design – yes, no, and WOW! Wow is the one to aim for.” Milton Glaser
“I cannot stress enough that this program has saved me from giving up on myself as a creative.”
“A turning point for me in the program was almost near the end of the first year. I was very overwhelmed and felt as if I was not good enough because I could not produce work on par with my classmates. My professor had said something along the lines of seeing a lot of potential in me as a designer even though I personally felt I was still creating some pretty ugly things. The comment actually made me cry to have someone see that if I pushed myself, I had the potential. Having someone believe in me, having that external support has been so important for me. I cannot stress enough that this program has saved me from giving up on myself as a creative. This program has pushed me to constantly better myself, design related and personally. I've learned some amazing coping mechanisms, gotten a therapist, started practicing yoga and mindfulness. I've learned so much about organization, research, generating creativity and brainstorming. I want to continue to better myself as a person and as a creative.”
“I no longer question if I can get better or if this was the right choice. I have faith in the process and this program has made me really believe that.”
Graphic Design A.S. Degree Track
The Graphic Design Program at Santa Fe College teaches the skills you need to enter the graphic design field. As a graphic designer, you will plan, analyze and create visual solutions to communications challenges and marketing and advertising needs. You might develop the layout of magazines and other publications, create marketing brochures, create package design, learn digital image manipulation and design websites. Using digital graphic design you will learn to apply the language of visual communication to a vast variety of communication and business needs.
This Mac-based program emphasizes creative thinking and problem solving using up-to-date industry standard computer hardware and software. The program consists of five semesters of study and courses are offered in specific sequence on a full-time schedule. Upon graduation, you are eligible to transfer your credits to Miami International University of Art and Design or the Fort Lauderdale Art Institute to pursue a bachelor’s degree in graphic design, or other regional private art college.
The Graphic Design Technology program is a full time, lock-step program. This means you will progress through the program with your cohort taking courses in a specific sequence and will not be allowed to take the courses on a part-time basis. Admission is competitive. The Graphic Design Technology program requires a separate application beyond initial acceptance to Santa Fe College.
Hear from a few of our graduates.
2023 Student Exhibition Reel
Our annual juried Student Exhibition celebrates the best of our student’s work.

What is an A.S. Degree?
An Associate in Science (A.S.) degree is designed to prepare you for the work force. A.S. Degrees are considered Career and Technical, and may not transfer to another state college or university. Santa Fe College offers some transfer options for our A.S. students. Some private colleges may transfer our credits. The A.S. degree typically takes two years or less complete.
Our A.S. degrees require 15 credit hours of general education coursework and 49 credit hours of hands-on training to prepare you to enter the workforce with a competitive skill set. We will help you build your portfolio right from the start. You will get hands on experience working in the industry standard software.
Our A.S. programs are full time, lockstep. Lock-step means you must complete each semester set of classes before moving on to the next. Our class schedule is split semesters. This means you will take 4 classes or 12 credit hours per semester, but you will only be enrolled in 2 classes at a time. 2 in A semester and 2 in B semester. Once you complete your A semester classes, you will move on to your B semester classes. We also register all of our students, so you will always have the classes you need to complete your degree. (class times and days will vary)