Our 2022 Graduates

Let’s hear it for the 2022 Graphic Design A.S. Degree grads who recorded these videos because their professors begged them to. But we just knew they’d have some great insights to share - and we were right!


Watch the 2022 Student Exhibition!


2022 Student Exhibition Reel

— 98 entries were accepted out of a total of 180 submissions —


Portfolio Review

Thursday, April 28th

12:30 PM



Location: Zoom - Not Open To The Public

Time: 12PM EST

There are two parts to our 2022 Student Exhibition. The first event of the day will be the Portfolio Reviews with industry professionals from across the nation. This is a private event for only our graduates and the professionals who are lending their valuable time to have one-on-one sessions to review each student’s portfolio.

Professionals will be present from IBM Design, PHOS Creative, LifeSouth, Frankel, Sign Universe, Commune & Memoir, Progressive Dental Marketing, and Savannah College of Art and Design.

Exhibition and Awards

Thursday, April 28th

6:00 PM – 7:30 PM



Location: Zoom - Open To The Public

Time: 6PM EST

The second event of the day is open to everyone! Family and friends from around the globe are invited to join us as we celebrate our 2022 graduates and all the work that has been accepted into the 2022 Student Exhibition. This is our third virtual exhibition, and what a fantastic opportunity for family and friends who would never be able to travel to Gainesville! They now can join us in celebrating our graduates together.

Additional details of the Zoom meeting will be sent to the 2022 graduates and our current students via email a day or two prior to the event.

You can also email Professor Shawna Mansfield for Zoom details at shawna.mansfield@sfcollege.edu

Thank you to our Gold Level sponsors!

Thank you to our Silver Level sponsors!